For Immediate Release
Wellington, FL – December 1, 2017 – Media credential applications are now being accepted for the 2018 Winter Equestrian Festival (WEF: January 10 – April 1) and 2017 Adequan® Global Dressage Festival (AGDF: January 11 – March 31). Both circuits are held at Palm Beach International Equestrian Center (PBIEC) in Wellington, FL.

A view of the International Arena at Palm Beach International Equestrian Center during the Winter Equestrian Festival. Photo by Sportfot
Members of the media interested in applying for media credentials should fill out the media accreditation form online. Media who need credentials for both circuits must apply separately for each. CLICK HERE for WEF media accreditation ( and CLICK HERE for AGDF media accreditation (
An email will be sent to those who apply for media credentials. All approved credentials may be picked up at the opening press conference or thereafter in the WEF Press Room Wednesday through Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. during each competition week or the AGDF Press Room on Thursday through Sunday during CDI competitions.
Further information on the opening press conference will be announced soon.
During WEF, members of the media can enter through the spectator entrance at Pierson Road and Equestrian Club Drive (first entrance after South Shore Blvd.), and free media parking will be available by showing a media credential. During AGDF, members of the media can enter through the main entrance on South Shore Blvd., and free media parking will be available.
The Winter Equestrian Festival at the Palm Beach International Equestrian Center is the largest and longest running horse show circuit in the world and welcomes the media to cover 2018 competition. This year’s event includes four weeks of CSI 5* competition culminating with the $500,000 Rolex Grand Prix CSI 5* during week 12.
The Adequan® Global Dressage Festival is the world’s largest international and national dressage circuit featuring seven CDIs, including four CDI-Ws, one 4* and one 5*, the only non-championship CDIO Nations’ Cup in North or South America, as well as U.S. National events. AGDF is hosting its seventh season and has quickly grown to become an integral part of the dressage schedule.
For questions about media credentials, please contact Jennifer Wood Media, Inc. by e-mail at